Our motto is “Enjoy Venice in every sense” because we would like to spread the idea that Venice is not only tourism, but history, art and culture.
This is why in this post we would like to share the story of Teatro La Fenice, one of the most beautiful and famous theatres of all Europe.
In brief, we can say that La Fenice is the most important theatre of Venice. It became famous during the 19th century when it hosted premiers of famous composers like Verdi or Rossini. Unfortunately, nevertheless its glorious past, the history of this theatre is quite a tragedy.
Ancient Romans used to say “nomen omen” which means that every name brings a destiny.
The name of the theatre “La Fenice” can be literally translated in “the Phoenix”, the mythical bird which rises from its ashes. Such a nice name considered that the theatre has suffered many fires during its long history.
In fact, the first construction of the theatre was completed in 1792. Unfortunately, many fires destroyed it during the centuries until the last one, which happened in 1996.
Venetians were particularly proud of their theatre and, after the fire, they wanted to immediately start the reconstruction following the motto “as it was where it was” (the same motto used for the St. Mark Bell Tower).
So, in 2001 the reconstruction started and was finally completed in November 2004.
The result is amazing both from an acoustic and decorative point of view.
Nowadays entering the Teatro La Fenice is a sensorial experience.
It is a truly marvellous place to visit as a tourist but also as a customer: it is a wonderful building to see, but also a perfect place to enjoy fantastic music.
In fact, it is possible to simply visit La Fenice or to enjoy one of the many shows it hosts.
This is the website where you can find all the information you need.
We have experienced the pleasure to visit Teatro La Fenice during a carnival party, an unique experience that we strongly advise.
Soon we will share this experience with you.
Stay tuned.