ponte di rialtoRialto Bridge was built in the XVI century and it’s the oldest of the four bridges crossing Grand Canal: Ponte dell’Accademia (literally Academy Bridge), Ponte degli Scalzi, Ponte della Costituzione (literally Constitution Bridge) and, of course, Rialto Bridge. Continue reading “RIALTO BRIDGE”


Rialto MarketOn my way to the Venice Tribunal, which is located near the Rialto Brige, I always pass by the Rialto fishing market.

Honestly, I love to cross this place for its traditional atmosphere. Sellers shouts, buyers and tourists are everywhere around the banquets while birds try to catch fishes from the stalls. Continue reading “RIALTO MARKET”


An iconic traditional product of Venice is the Murano glass (Vetro di Murano).murano glass

This story starts in 1291, when the Republic of Venice ordered to all glasswares to move from Venice to the little island of Murano, in order to prevent fires in the main city; that time buildings were made out of woods. Continue reading “MURANO GLASS”


If you arrive in Venice by train, the first place you will see is the Sestiere of Cannaregio (if you don’t remember what a Sestiere is or how Venice is divided read here).

If you don’t have enough time to visit the city, or if you want to see something different than Saint Mark Square, in Cannaregio you can find a lot of nice places.

Ten of them are:

1)  Jewish Ghetto : it was the residence of the Jews since the law of 1516. It is surrounded by water and it has only two accesses. Today, you can still find Jewish population and it is a particular area of Venice for the height of houses and for the presence of synagogues.

jewish ghetto in Venice

Continue reading “10 PLACES TO SEE IN CANNAREGIO”


Venice is an open air museum and it was hard to select the ten places you cannot miss in Venice, but we made our best for you!! This list of 10 places to visit in Venice provides you with the best places to get the best experience possible from your trip to Venice.

1. Piazza San Marco and BasilicaSaint Mark's square

Saint Mark Area is the very center of Venice history and power. From here, you can feel and understand the greatness of a city that has been a leading trade power back in the past.

In this area, you can’t miss a visit to the Basilica or to the bell tower. Try to avoid the expensive bar in the square in favour of a cheaper Bacaro in the streets nearby. Find out more here.

2. Palazzo DucaleVenice quiet

Moving from Piazza San Marco towards the Canal Grande you will see, on your left, Palazzo Ducale. Palazzo Ducale has been for centuries the political center of the Republic of Venice and, nowadays, it is a wonderful museum full of charm and history. If you can, take a guided tour to the hidden places of this great palace.

Continue reading “10 PLACES TO VISIT IN VENICE”


When I went  to Torcello  for the first time, with my girlfriend, I was very sceptical about it. When you arrive there with the ferry-boat, taken from Burano, you have the feeling that there is nothing there, but then you discover that it is … particular and beautiful 🙂

As I said, you arrive with the ferry boat and then you have to follow a pathway: on your right there is a canal and on your left there are fields with weeds.

While you are walking you think ‘but where am I? There is nothing here’ until you find on the right a strange bridge, called ‘Devil’s Bridge​’ (Ponte del Diavolo) .

Continue reading “TRIP IN TORCELLO”