I think that this article is going to be extremely personal and subjective. I know that the purpose of our blog is to describe Venice, illustrating the most wonderful experience that you can have there, giving advise about the more interesting places in the city… the fact is that as an Italian, as a person who was used to live Venice everyday, as someone who has beloved ones who works in healthcare, I feel like it’s important to take advantage of this fantastic tool that allows me to spread, for once, my experience due to the Coronavirus emergency.
I am now writing not only as the amateur writer of the blog, but as someone that really knows and loves her roots, her origins, someone who feels so heartbroken for the surreal situation that Venice, the Veneto, the North of Italy and the entire country is suffering from. I still can’t believe that all of this started just two weeks ago. By the end of February I was just a normal student, hanging around through the calli of Venice, taking my spritz and my frittelle with my friends, I was attending lessons, I was able to see my grandparents. Then, suddenly, everything changed. The university closed up. Bars can only host a limited number of people and, from now on, have to be closed by 6 pm. From last week, the entire country has been heavily guarded.
People have to stay at home, despite some individuals who do not respect the decree and continue to go back and forward, not realizing how important is to follow the new rules.
Weaker people have to be protected, so the contacts with older individuals or someone who was already compromised had been cut off.
The general fear in Italy, at the moment, is not having enough beds in hospital to host patients. Now, experts and doctors are talking about a possible future scenario, in which they may start to decide who has to be saved.
Healthcare operators are working on multiples and consecutive shifts, to provide the most efficient work to cure people. Infection, however, is spreading.
I would have never imagined to live a situation like that. However, hope is not dying. Italians are trying to keep theirselves strong, and in a so difficult context, stand together against this invisible enemy is fundamental.
I am sure things will get better. We are now in the darkest time of this period. But we will be able to overcome it. Never before, communion and concord have been so important. And not only between Venetians, not only among Italians. I want to throw to everyone who is reading this my personal call: do not lose hope. Do not be against anyone. Dear folks, we will be able to rise, strong again, and to roar our shout of humanity and trust onto the world.
Because this experience can link everyone of us. Let’s learn from this. Let’s protect ourselves.
And I promise, all of you will be well welcomed in Venice very soon.
Post by Elisa Gentile