Venice is an amazing city and I think everybody can confirm it, but when you watch a movie, most of the times it is set in USA (New York, LA, …) or in London. Even if we think to movies set in Italy, many times you see Rome or Tuscany…what about movies set in Venice???

Keep calm, because there are some great films that are set in Venice and now we’ll see the most important (at least in our opinion 🙂 )

1. The Tourist 

2.  Inferno 

tom hanks

3. The Italian Job

4. Casanova 

5. Superman : Far from home (Coming soon!!)

Other films are set in Venice, but these are my favorites!

About the places, the most showed are : San Marco , Rialto , Doge’s Palace and many other, but the challenge is: can you find other places where a film’s scene was set?

Have you ever seen these movies? Do you know other films set in Venice? Write us (you know that we read your email!).
