Will you be in Venice next Saturday 17 June? You are a lucky man (or woman)!
You will have the opportunity to visit a lot of museums in Venice completely for free.
We are talking about the Venice Art Night.

Museums in Venice for free

What is it?
It is an event promoted by ‘Ca’ Foscari University’ and ‘Comune di Venezia’ : some museums like Ca’ Rezzonico , Ca’ Pesaro and Palazzo Mocenigo will be free from 21:00 to 23:00.

And there’s more, if you wish you can buy a ticket for a guided tour for free at this website: .
The program is huge and a lot of opportunities are available. You can find a list with interested museums downloading this pdf  (unfurtonately it is only in Italian, but if you need something write us).

Our tips:

  • choose your favourite museums
  • walk walk walk
  • enjoy this opportunity

Another curiosity is that Saturday there will be the wedding of Alvaro Morata (striker of Real Madrid) and Alice Campello (a young Venetian blogger) in the church of Redentore, with a special guest too : Cristiano Ronaldo 🙂

So, it is a special weekend, full of art, gossip and fun.
For other information write us 😉