Basilica dei Frari : one of the most glorious churches of Venice

frari basilica

Did you know that Basilica dei Frari (shortly called ‘Frari‘) is the biggest church in Venice?

It is placed in the Campo dei Frari, in the Sestiere of San Polo and it is dedicated to Assumption of Maria.

frari location

If you have never been here I suggest to visit it… I always take my friends here and it has always a lot of success, not only for the dimensions, but for the art that it contains.

Continue reading “Basilica dei Frari : one of the most glorious churches of Venice”


When: 13-17 of April

Tips: Easter is a very good period to enjoy traditional food, be sure to book a restaurant well in advance though!

Easter is chosen by many tourists as the perfect period to visit Venice.

It is possible to enjoy the festive atmosphere connected with the Christian and Hebraic Easter celebrations.

Venice is home of the Patriarch of Venice, an ancient religious institution dating back to October 1451. Continue reading “EASTER 2017 IN VENICE”


Where: San Marco Square

  • From Piazzale Roma:

By water-bus lines :

1 ( about 40 minutes)

51 direct (about 20 minutes)

2 direct ( about 30 minutes)


  • From the Train Station (Santa Lucia):

By water-bus lines :

1 ( about 35minutes)

51 direct ( about 25 minutes)

2 direct ( about 25 minutes)

On foot it takes about 30-45 minutes to reach it from either locations.

Continue reading “SAINT MARK’S BASILICA”